Initial support for Sorbet - RubyMine now recognizes Sorbet type signatures, including ones from.These inspections check the types of constants, instance and class variables, method and block parameters, return values, arguments passed to yield calls, and global variables. More inspections for RBS-based type checking - Added a number of new inspections for detecting mismatches between assigned values and expected types taken from RBS.To enable this feature, search for rubocop in Preferences / Settings and select the Run ‘rubocop -a’ on save checkbox. Run RuboCop on save - You can now configure RuboCop to reformat files every time one is changed, and the changes are saved automatically or manually.Instead of adding a copyright notice to each file separately, you can now automatically add copyright information to the beginning of RBS files. Copyright for RBS files - Your project may contain RBS files that you want to protect by copyright.It can now use type information from the corresponding RBS signatures (if they are present). Parameter info based on RBS - The Parameter Info pop-up (Ctrl+P) displays the names and types of method parameters.RubyMine’s built-in spell checker now also works for RBS files.
#Rubymine rbs code#
RubyMine will check RBS code for style issues, unused entities, inheritance issues, mismatches in partial declarations, and so on. New inspections for RBS files - In this release, 12 new inspections for RBS files have been added.With the RBS signatures present, RubyMine is able to provide improved code assistance, such as real-time type checking, more precise navigation, search and refactoring, and more. Bundled RBS type signatures - This version now comes bundled with RBS signatures.